Sunday, June 26, 2011

23 weeks, and OW!

According to, this is what our leetle girl looks like at the moment, except she's turned around: The placenta is at the back, she's facing outwards, and she's head-down, so those little legs and knees are pointed upwards.

Her kicks and punches are getting increasingly strong, and she definitely lets me know when it's time for HER to eat, even if I'm not hungry at the moment. But that's usually not a problem, since I'm now hungry about every 2.5-3 hours - seriously, I must be raising the next competitive eater. Kobayashi, watch out! (And, no, I still haven't gained any weight. She burns a LOT of calories, evidently.) Her new favorite pastime is stretching out her elbows for a good 5 minutes at a time, which hurts, but I think I've got it figured out.... She's either doing the chicken dance in slow-mo, or pilates. Future wedding deejay or workout instructor to the stars?

In extra-exciting news, Dave got to feel her twice yesterday! Once, she kicked his hand gently when we were laying in bed. Then, last night, we were coming back from a dinner date - fabulous tapas at Manchego on Main - and suddenly this wee foot SLAMS upwards and outwards and I had to stop walking because I couldn't breathe. I put my hand on my stomach and could feel a tiny heel (or a knee. not sure.), so I made Dave put his hand there. He started poking her. She started pushing back. There we stood, father and daughter having a poke-kick fight, oblivious to the fact that I was wincing in pain. They make quite the team.

I can't believe we have only 17 weeks (ish) left. We're taking two hospital tours in the next few weeks, and have another fetal EKG on the 7th, and another ultrasound on the 11th. We have to find a pediatrician, and start taking birthing, breastfeeding, child care, and infant/child CPR classes... And start buying important stuff like a car seat (They won't let you go home from the hospital without a properly installed car seat).... And still work full-time.... And, and, and, and....

I think I need a nap.


  1. thats why they put these nice lil shops on the internet that make it so you dn't even have to get up from your seat to buy what you want!!! I like and!!

  2. Don't worry sweetie, Baby Showers to the rescue!!! (also, I advise that Dave practice installing the carseat ASAP because somehow it seems waaaaayyy harder once you are at the hospital.) Looking forward to seeing (and possibly meeting) the little one:)
