Sunday, August 28, 2011

8 Weeks-ish to Go....

Bullet point post. No time for actual post since going out to dinner with husband soon. Need to squeeze that in while we can before we have to find babysitters.

  • Hit the 32-week mark today. Ye gods.
  • Can no longer get up from couch/chairs/desk chair at work without some sort of OOOOFFGRUNT sea lion noise. Very attractive.
  • Also attractive? Farting/burping. Will leave it at that.
  • Left hip likes to go numb & radiate pain up my back. Massage in order soon. Yoga & stretches for now.
  • Have just about everything we will need immediately after birth for baby except diapers. I hear those are important.
  • Hungry. All the time.
  • Tired. All the time.
  • No, have not given up caffeine. It is the ONE vice remaining to me, do NOT make me give it up. Otherwise would be snoring at my desk by 10:15am every weekday. Not good for annual review time.
  • Baby girl very active, possible future as Zumba instructor or other variety of dancing fool. Likes making the belly jump and flutter a la the movie Aliens.
  • Baby girl also enjoys squirming into odd positions & then PUSHING out as hard as she can. Oh, the pressure.
  • Getting rid of crud Dave has insisted on holding on to for years at a very satisfying rate. Ahhh.
  • Starting childbirth classes next Sunday. Ye gods.

1 comment:

  1. Caffeine is ok, I mean, as long as you aren't living off of it (and I know that you aren't). Are childbirthing classes like lamaze classes??
