Saturday, May 7, 2011

Random Thoughts

I don't have a specific direction for this post... And there's a lot going through my mind, so I'll just do things in point form.

1. The baby kicks a LOT lately, usually in the upper left-hand corner of my womb. I joked to a friend that Shim had set up a "Boom Boom Room" in that corner, with comfy couches, a disco ball, a bartender, and snacks - why would they want to leave? It's like being tickled from the inside, and I love it. Once the kid is strong enough to really whomp me and do the tarantella on my bladder, it may not be so fun, but right now it's amazing.

2. Naming someone is HARD. We've established some rules: No exes, nothing that could be shortened to a totally terrible nickname, no initials that spell naughty words/abbreviations, etc. We had a boy name and a girl name picked out for a couple years before we ever started trying, but once I got pregnant I decided I wanted to have a few options in case the kid came out and the name we'd chosen didn't feel right.

3. I have officially said farewell to normal (non-maternity) jeans, but can still fit into a lot of my non-maternity shirts. In some outfits, I feel like I really LOOK PREGNANT, but in others, I just look like I've been having regular rendezvous with Mssrs. Ben & Jerry. Oh, the joys of being overweight and pregnant.

4. Over the past couple weeks, I've started experiencing some minor round ligament pain. Over the past two days, the sciatic nerve pain began. Yowza. I need to get one of those pregnancy body pillows that wraps around your body, because when I try to sleep with a pillow between my legs I inevitably kick it off the bed at some point during the night.

5. We have our next ultrasound on Wednesday, and I can't wait to see the little woober wiggling around again. Hopefully, we'll get to hear the heartbeat this time - last time, at the 12 week scan, I could see it flickering on the monitor, and it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. It made the whole pregnancy thing seem so much more real, since at that point I couldn't feel the baby move yet.

6. Getting up four times a night to pee is annoying.

7. I still think the baby is a girl, but the fact that I think it's a girl probably means it's a boy. Either way, we're in for a wild ride.


  1. You are beautiful. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. To be completely honest, you are one of the most beautiful women that I know (and I'm not saying that for brownie points). I love you lots and lots and I'm so excited! The tickles will soon turn to nudges and then to full blown kicks, but each stage is wonderful. And at the end, you get to have your very own little angel to hold. Love y'all!!

  2. I totally recommend one of those body pillows. They are awesome, even if you aren't pregnant. If you don't get one, I recommend sleeping with one right behind your back. Miss you!!!
