Saturday, February 4, 2012

Three months

Dear Meredith,
Today, you are one quarter of a year old! Three whole months! You've grown by leaps and bounds this month, and are thisclose to outgrowing your 0-3 month sized clothes, which makes me both sad and happy at the same time. We also upgraded you from size 1 to size 2 diapers. *sniffle*
Fuss level: Medium. You're getting better at self-soothing, but still employ the Alligator Tears Cry when you want attention. Meltdowns are fairly infrequent, usually occurring when you're super tired, hungry, and frustrated all at the same time. The pacfier is your preference over your fists, still, and I am eterally grateful for our collection of pacifiers and paci straps, so I don't have to spend all day washing pacifiers that fell on the floor. When you do use your fists to self-soothe, you stick the WHOLE fist in your mouth - you've actually gagged yourself a few times!

You became an international traveler in early January, when we went to Vancouver BC to see the Toews clan: A stop in Seattle on the way to meet Uncle Sparky, then north to meet your Great-Uncle John, Great-Aunt Lynn, second cousins Peter & Heather, and your Great-Grandpa Vernon. They were all quite smitten with you, and you were a GREAT traveler, mostly sleeping through the flights and long car rides. I did get to change an epic dirty diaper in an airplane bathroom, which was an exercise in a)dexterity and b)holding my breath.

Another developmental milestone this month: Rolling over from your tummy to your back! You did it for the first time while Grandma Debi was visiting (when Daddy was out of town on business). For awhile thereafter, tummy time was a bust, since as soon as I'd put you on your stomach you'd roll over. You stopped doing it about a week ago, which your PT says is normal, and you'll probably pick it back up soon. I often find you've rolled onto your side, though.

You love: Smiling, being held (especially when sleeping), eating, getting your diaper changed, being read to or sung to, when we hold you so you can sit up or stand up like a big girl, going for walks, baths, being in your swing or bouncy seat, your Daddy, being tickled, blowing spit bubbles, and reaching for (and grabbing!) the toys on your play gym.
You hate: Dirty diapers, being hungry, being alone (aka no one is paying attention to you and cooing over you), being tired, having to sit cooped up in your car seat for too long, and tummy time. You tolerate tummy time a bit better now that you are capable of holding your head and shoulders up for awhile and rolling over, but still aren't a fan.
We love seeing your attention-loving, silly personality develop. You make hilarious faces and noises, and love having "grunt-versations", where we will say "Urrrr" and "Oooh" and "Mmmm" back and forth with you for quite long stretches. I will say, however, your default expression is a fairly serious, intent one, just like your daddy - you have razor-sharp focus when you want something!

Life with you is pretty good these days, now that we're all getting a little more sleep. You fall asleep for the night between 6-6:30pm, sleep til between 2-4am, get a bottle and a diaper change, then sleep 'til between 6-7:30am. A couple of times, you've actually slept a full 11-12 hours, which was FABULOUS. Try it again, will ya? : )
We love you so much, and are so lucky to be your parents. Thank you for being you, baby girl.

Daddy and Mommy

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