Dear Meredith,
2 months old on1/4/11... We're gaining ground on Mr. Broccoli! |
Two months. TWO! Dos! Deux! You've grown so much this past month, and yesterday at the pediatrician's, were up to 23 inches long (75th percentile) and 11 lbs, 0.5 oz (50th percentile) - wow! Since Dad had to work & couldn't come to the appointment, I ducked into the bathroom while they gave you your two month shots, then came back in expecting to need to comfort you. No need, you’d stopped crying after less than a minute: There’s that Mennonite & Norwegian stoic-ness in your heritage coming through, I suppose. Three hours later, however, you belatedly realized the trauma you’d been put through and WAILED for a good hour and a half nonstop, during and after which the only thing that would somewhat console you was being held.
HI! How are you? What is that shiny thing you're
pointing at my face? HI! HI! |
Smiley sweetie pie! |
Fuss level: Medium. You’re learning to soothe yourself a little, and your fists sometimes find your mouth – but they don’t stay there long, which frustrates you all the more. For now, pacifiers are the name of the game.You don’t like being left alone (i.e. if I have the unmitigated gall to strap you into your swing and go wash some dishes), and have developed what I call the Alligator Tears Cry to get my attention. I’m wise to your game, kid, but it’s cute. Otherwise, you cry for the normal baby reasons: Diaper, bottle, tired, tummy time, pain, the sky is blue, the sky is NOT blue, you're cold, etc. You also had your first cold this month - we all had your first cold - and you expressed your displeasure as much as possible during that time. Yahoo.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light! |
About .05 seconds pre-meltdown. |
You started smiling at around the 5.5 week mark, and it’s the best thing your Dad and I have ever seen. No one thing in particular regularly elicits a grin, as you are usually extremely intent on figuring things out and are too serious and busy to smile, just like your father. You do get quite excited when you manage to do what you’re trying to, and start wiggling your arms up and down and panting…. It’s quite Steve Urkel-esque. Developmentally, you’re ahead of schedule, already starting to reach for toys on your play gym (though you can’t grasp them when you finally connect with them) and often able to hold your head upright when sitting on a lap or being held up on our shoulders. I’ve never met a more vocal baby: You grunt and coo and squeal all day and all night, even in your sleep, and Dad and I are able to mostly sleep through all of it at night except through the “I NEED SOMETHING AND I NEED IT NOW!” noises.
Strawberry season in December? How un-locavore. |
Life is SO exhausting. |
You also had your first Christmas - it was just the three of us, since we'd had all the family out here just a few weeks before for your birth..Your gifts? Books, of course! What else?
And I do WHAT, exactly, with these things? |
Too much merriment! I need a nap! |
You met Santa at The Grove. He thought you were adorable.
You were nonplussed. We had hoped for a classic "
screaming meltdown" photo, but
that'll probably happen next year. |
My favorite part? All on your own, you started hitting the hay around 7-7:30pm and sleeping until sometime between 12:45 and 3am. Then, we quickly change you and feed you, and you sleep for another 2.5-4 hours, another change/feed session, and then sometimes another 1-2 hour stretch before you’re up for the day. It’s BEAUTIFUL. Writing about it on the WWW is probably going to curse me. Oh well.
Father and frogette |
Ain't nuthin' sweeter than a sleeping baby on your lap. |
Physical therapy is progressing nicely, and your tortocollis is going away slowly but surely. You have a much better ROM in your neck, and don’t fight me on the daily stretches as much as you did. Tummy time, however, is still detested, and you’ve just this week figured out how to game the system by turning your head to the left, sticking your fist in your mouth, and refusing to move. I’ll defeat you yet, my pretty.
Soon, SOON I will figure out how to get
this ENTIRE thing in my mouth! |
Dad and I are constantly amazed by you, kiddo. We can SEE the wheels turning in your brain as you make connections and discover the world and learn new skills…. We can’t wait to see what you do next! We love you, baby girl.
Daddy and Momma
Beautiful and Precious!