Insomnia is fun. Insomnia when you're 9 months pregnant and have a 6+ pound baby doing the jive (well, the squirm) on your bladder is REALLY fun. I foresee several naps in my future today.
Still waiting, still pregnant, still having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions and a twinge here and there, although Thorberta seems to be quite content to stay in Casa de Utero. Dave is insistent that the baby not decide to make her entrance 'til next Thursday, since he has to be out of town on a business trip Monday-Wednesday. No worries, though, I won't be left alone: I have a friend coming to stay with me Monday night, and then my fabulous mother-in-law (Hi A!!!) is arriving Tuesday morning.
Since it's 5am, I don't have to make this whole post make sense, do I? Okay, time for a philosophical tangent, then! The knowledge that any day now, our lives are going to change completely and irrevocably, is surreal. It's not just US anymore, we have this tiny creature who is utterly dependent on us, not just for basic physical needs, but to teach her about the world and help her figure out her place in it. Kiddo, I'm sure we're gonna make mistakes, but I promise we're going to do our very best. And no matter what, we love you and are so lucky to be your parents.
And you are awesome parents! Love ya!