Sunday, August 7, 2011

Be Glad

Driving home from Trader Joe's yesterday, I passed a car with a vanity license plate that read, "Be Glad." I couldn't agree more.

So, since I've been a bit complain-y on this blog lately, I'm listing some things I am glad and thankful for.

1. A healthy, active baby girl who, although she's now breech (and I have plans to turn her around closer to her due date), kicks and punches me all day and makes my belly bounce around like Santa Claus's proverbial bowl full of jelly.

2. That Dave has finally been able to feel our daughter kicking the last few nights & mornings - he'd felt her once or twice a month ago, but after that she'd decided he had a soporific effect on her and immediately calmed down every time he'd tried since. It's wonderful to share the experience of her kicking with him.

3. My forthcoming trip home to Walla Walla, to see my family (and finally meet my brother's boyfriend of 3+ years) and friends and have a baby shower. We are so blessed to have people that are so excited to help us welcome Thorberta into the world!

4. That Dave and I both have jobs that interest us and challenge us daily, even though his involves getting paged at 4am, in this not-so-hot economy.

5. That we have two insane, hilarious, cuddly cats that provide nonstop slapstick comedy and great snuggles at the end of a long workday.

6. All of YOU!

1 comment:

  1. And I am very thankful for you as well dear. You've always been there for me, either in person or via e-amil. Thanks! You are wonderful and I wish that I could be there for the baby shower. but, you'll be getting a box at some point that I'm pretty sure you'll like. LOL
