(If you haven't seen The Impostors, go do so. Please.)
Shim is certainly a cheeky little pugilist/gymnast/soccer player/swimmer the last couple days... Anytime I'm sitting still or lying down for more than a few minutes at a time, I get little pokes and flutters as if to say, "Hey, I like it when you're moving, it's very soothing!" or, "I'm he-eeeeere!"
Last night, I was hanging out on the couch with Dave and he put his hand on my belly and said, "Hello, child." And the baby kicked his hand - well, I could feel it, he couldn't, but still. Shim knows their Daddy!
Poke, poke, poke.
It really is the coolest feeling. I loved those baby flutters. When your 8-9 months it's not so fun, but until then, they are wonderful!